Bailey Seeker

Actor | Singer


“Bailey Seeker as Nancy faces the audience and really delivers “As Long As He Needs Me.”


Although the Secret Theatre’s new production is titled “Oliver! The Musical,” it could rightfully be called “Nancy! A Star is Born.”

In her first major post-collegiate role, Bailey Seeker as the doomed Nancy in Lionel Bart’s musical adaptation of Dickens’ “Oliver Twist” walks off with the show without breaking a sweat.

Her glorious singing voice, which stops the show in the Act I finale “As Long as He Needs Me,” coupled with her boundless energy make her the focal point of each scene in which she appears.

She turns in a performance that is funny, sweet and full of life, which is none too easy when playing an ill-fated prostitute. Seeker’s Nancy clearly loves life and is eager to share that joy with anyone as she does to perfection in the numbers “It’s a Fine Life” and “Oom-Pah-Pah.”

But the evening belongs to Seeker, who recently graduated from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. Catch her now in LIC, because before too long, you’ll be shelling out $150 a pop to see her perform across the East River.
Times Ledger
Bailey Seeker, who plays Nancy, was another stellar addition to the fantastic cast, portraying the hopelessly in-love young woman in such a way that keeps the audience rooting for her all through the show despite her association with the group of thieves and vagrants.

She gives Nancy layers that are often put aside in big musicals such as “Oliver! The Musical,” a commonality she shares with all of her castmates.
Queens Chronicle


Tyler Hatch (Cheech), Karis Gallant (Olive), Robert Anthony Jones (Warner), Bailey Seeker (Ellen), and Michael Berry (David) all did such impressive jobs, I’d be eager to see them perform again.
Bailey Seeker gives a lovely performance as Ellen, David’s long-suffering girlfriend.
— Delaware County Culture Vulture

Children of Eden

Finally, Wellesley resident Bailey Seeker plays a show-stopping Mama Noah, the chief voice of reason amid adolescent angst and paternal control, with vocals that sound Broadway bound.
The Wellesley Townsman


As the action unfolds,  a choir composed of vocalists Isabel Carey, Bailey Seeker and Jessica Hilliard, under the direction of Brooke Wilcox, sing beautifully harmonious hymns off stage in the background.